Empathy isn’t just about “being nice.” It’s about bringing humanity to the center of all business interactions. Without empathy, the business experience (often referred to as “customer service”) becomes overwhelmingly transactional - the customer seeing the contractor as a means to an end and the contractor seeing the customer as a paycheck.
Insurance Companies are Changing Roof Coverage in Kentucky
Due to the increase of destructive weather in our area, most notably the March 2023 wind storm, insurance companies have changed the way they write roof coverage in Kentucky. It’s common for insurance companies to raise their rates after paying out a large amount of storm claims in a particular area. However, this time the changes aren’t stopping there.
Getting to Know the Roof Insurance Claim Process
The majority of people, have little to no experience filing insurance claims. Going through this process can be intimidating and confusing. At Evergreen, we want to make sure our customers know what they’re getting into up front. We’re here to walk you through your roof claim from beginning to end. Just follow the steps below.