Why Being A Roofer Has Changed My Mind On Door To Door Sales

Why Being A Roofer Has Changed My Mind On Door To Door Sales

While it’s not nearly as popular as it was 30-40 years ago, door to door sales or neighborhood canvassing is still a reality for many small businesses in America. In the Louisville area, it seems to be a popular sales method for pest control companies, who send out college aged employees. But all around the country, door to door sales is one of the most popular strategies for roofers. 

Insurance Companies are Changing the way they Cover Roofs in Kentucky

Insurance Companies are Changing the way they Cover Roofs in Kentucky

Due to the increase of destructive weather in our area, most notably the March 2023 wind storm, insurance companies have changed the way they write roof coverage in Kentucky. It’s common for insurance companies to raise their rates after paying out a large amount of storm claims in a particular area. However, this time the changes aren’t stopping there.